Adding the Kubernetes Ingress Controller for Kong

2023-03-11 10:44

Even though my Konnect/Kong proxy service will cover all of my needs, I do want to try running all of Kong's infrastructure products. Therefore I will be deploying the Kubernetes Ingress Controller for Kong, aka KIC.

The Goal

  • Add Kong's Kubernetes Ingress Controller (KIC) to my Kubernetes cluster
  • Configure a service with a KIC ingress and ensure it can be accessed on
  • Test upcoming KIC/Konnect features
  • Run alongside the konnect hybrid kong deployment already in place and be able to proxy to the same services


I wanted to get a 'plain' KIC deployment working before adding the experimental konnect syncing.

Since the Konnect integration uses a new feature in version 2.9 of the Ingress Controller called Gateway Discovery, I will need to deploy the controller and proxy services separately.

From the docs:

Using this feature requires a split release installation of Gateways and Ingress Controller.

Therefore I'll start by simply adding a new chart directory and separate argo app for each, and look to refactor/DRY it out later.

The commit that adds these charts and applications can be seen here

An Updated Kong Chart

Since I'm using experimental features, I need to use a release-candidate chart.

For both the controller and dps, I'm starting with this dependency:

  - name: kong
    version: 2.17.0-rc.4

The Dataplanes App

In Gateway Discovery mode, the Ingress Controller will 'discover' the Admin API of deployed kong proxy instances via a kubernetes service name. The controller will then use the discovered Admin API to configure the dataplane instances using the defined Ingresses and other CRDs.

To support this, the Kong chart for the Dataplane-only deployment should be overridden with the following options:

  • Admin API Service enabled with a ClusterIP type to reach the Admin API service from within the cluster
  • Ingress Controller disabled

Which only requires a minimal values file:

    enabled: true
    type: ClusterIP
    clusterIP: None

    repository: kong/kong-gateway
    tag: "3.2"

    enabled: false

  replicaCount: 3

At this point I put this values.yaml in a konnect-kic-dps directory with the Chart.yaml, added an Argo application definition at argocd/apps/konnect-kic-dps.yaml, and applied it to my cluster.

I was left with a service comprised of 3 pods runnning the kong gateway, but without any configuration. There is a konnect-kic-dps-kong-proxy service, as well as a konnect-kic-dps-kong-admin service.

I am able to port-forward and hit the proxy service endpoint, but there are no services or routes yet.

The next step is to set up the Ingress Controller to supply this information.

The Controller App

This application will run the Ingress Controller and supporting resources. It will not run any proxies however and therefore the kong deployment in the chart must be disabled. Instead, it will be configured with the konnect-kic-dps-kong-proxy proxy service created in the last step, and that service will handle the actual proxying.

The controller also needs to be able to find the konnect-kic-dps-kong-admin Admin service in the cluster using the Gateway Discovery feature, and then apply the configuration to that AdminAPI.

With all of these requirements we end up with these options for the chart:

      enabled: false

    nameOverride: konnect-kic-dps-kong-proxy

    enabled: true
      repository: kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller
      tag:  "2.9.0-rc.1"
      effectiveSemver: "2.9.0"

      enabled: true
        name: konnect-kic-dps-kong-admin

Following the same process as I did with the konnect-kic-dps setup, I added a chart directory and ArgoCD application for konnect-kic-controller. After syncing to the cluster I see the Ingress Controller printing these logs at startup:

level=info msg="reconciling EndpointSlice" logger=controllers.KongAdminAPIService name=konnect-kic-dps-kong-admin-rw4nz namespace=konnect-kic
level=info msg="created KIC node" hostname=konnect-kic/konnect-kic-controller-kong-7fd856c58c-pbsxp logger=setup.konnect-node node_id=78fcaef4-cbc5-4ea0-b91b-78a6ad99facb runtime_group_id=3578a240-3f58-46cb-bce1-aa60715f344a
level=info msg="successfully synced configuration to kong" kong_url=""
level=info msg="successfully synced configuration to kong" kong_url=""
level=info msg="successfully synced configuration to kong" kong_url=""

This indicates the Controller successfully found the 3 dataplanes and configured them with the AdminAPI exposed by each.

Konnect syncing

The experimental konnect syncing support was added just recently, so I want to be sure I can help test that feature. As such I am including some additional data for the ingress controller to resolve how to communicated with konnect.

First I have to add a secret to hold the tls.crt and tls.key pair and ensure the tls.crt public key is a valid certificate in Konnect for the runtime group: kubectl create secret tls konnect-client-tls -n konnect-kic --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key

Next, I have to add to the konnect-kic/values.yaml file:

        enabled: true
        tlsClientSecretName: konnect-client-tls
        runtimeGroupID: "3578a240-3f58-46cb-bce1-aa60715f344a"
        apiHostname: ""

Since this is still in development and could change, I won't go into it. But it worked!

Wrapping Up

The Gateway Discovery and separate installations threw me at first, but now that I see it in action I understand the benefit of separating the concerns.

I chose not to actually add a service to proxy traffic to at this point, as I'm happy to stop with all of the various KIC pieces working well with one another and Konnect.

Finally, I manually created an A Record in Route53 to resolve to the ExternalIp of the LoadBalancer for the Ingress Controller service.

Next Steps

  • Deploy a simple service to proxy traffic to
  • Refactor the konnect charts into a single chart
  • Automate DNS and Certificate management

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